A ‘game changer’ solution is required for Business Excellence implementation that overcomes all of the common CEO excuses (‘Barriers to Entry’) listed in my previous Post.

Design criteria for Business Excellence implementation in SMEs / SMBs

Having worked with 1,000 companies over the past 37 years using the traditional management consulting model, we concluded in 2012 that the new solution for SMEs must have 10 design features…

  1. Must NOT require a lot of expensive consulting assistance
  2. Must be consistent with global business excellence frameworks
  3. Must provide detailed explanations and Do-It-Yourself ‘How To’ instructions for the entire journey, especially during the first 1-2 years
  4. Must use simple language that every employee can understand
  5. Must do things in the right order
  6. Must integrate every aspect of the implementation and get every employee involved
  7. Must ensure accountability for the actions required of individuals
  8. Must track the ‘right’ strategic and operational KPIs for reporting and updating every month – in a simple, graphical format that clearly highlights trends
  9. Must be kept up to date and feature strong user support
  10. Must be available via the Internet at low cost

Building a solution that complies fully with this ambitious specification has taken 8 years.

Game Changer: Launch of the My Business Excellence (MBE) solution with online support.

I am pleased to announce that this novel solution called My Business Excellence (MBE) is now available.