by Mark James | Jan 20, 2020 | Business Excellence, FAQs
The nature of the business does not matter because the techniques are applicable to all – including Not-For-Profit and Public Service SMEs / SMBs. However, there is no doubt that the combined attitudes and leadership styles of the CEO and other members of the...
by Mark James | Jan 19, 2020 | Business Excellence, FAQs
Prior to codifying this approach for low cost online access with consulting support, hundreds of our clients realised the substantial net benefits of the consulting assistance to varying degrees. The greatest benefits flowed to those who implemented all five...
by Mark James | Jan 18, 2020 | Business Excellence, FAQs
The benefits of business excellence are immense. But it’s your call not to proceed if you believe OK is good enough. Excellence is not compulsory. Professor Jim Collins famously said: “Good is the enemy of Great”. In a similar vein, CEOs all too often say: “If it...
by Mark James | Jan 14, 2020 | Business Excellence, FAQs
The CEO / Owner / Manager should assume the Excellence Leader role. The Excellence Leader will work with the My Business Excellence (MBE) team to drive the implementation forward. He or she will need to devote approximately 25% of their time to this crucial role. In...
by Mark James | Jan 13, 2020 | Business Excellence
Avoiding the risk of failure with business improvement methods There are two essentials for minimising the risk of failure with implementing one or more business improvement methods in any SME / SMB: Be willing to change the way things are done Understand the relative...